Building Physics

By the implementation of sound building physics engineering we can produce high performance buildings.

Building physics enables us to understand how buildings work. It is the study of all non-structural areas of the built environment and it particularly relates to energy performance of buildings and their indoor and outdoor environments. By using sound building engineering methodologies we help our clients delivering well performing buildings which provide comfort to occupants while consuming less energy.

By tuning several characteristics of buildings according to passive design principles at an early stage in the design process it is possible to foresee how the building will perform and so the savings.

Our building physics services:

  • Solar analysis
  • Daylight calculations
  • Acoustic calculations
  • Energy modelling
  • Condensation and moisture transfer analysis
  • Air movement analysis
  • Solar insolation TT
    Solar energy gain and daylight analysis of a facade.

    Adding value with the right tools

    Beginning from the assessment of the site and environmental conditions with the help of simulation tools we can provide

    BDS contribute to design process so that buildings can take the advantage of natural energy opportunities before integrating active design strategies.

    We use industry standard software (IES VE) along with other calculation tools and integrate BIM in design process to establish multiple performance indicators like energy and daylight use, solar gain etc.).

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